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Best Workouts: The App Edition

Updated: May 15, 2019

It's usually about this time when fitness classes aren't as full as they were at the start of the month. The optimism of a new year always allows us to get ahead of ourselves, especially when it comes to working out.

So if you fell off the fitness wagon weeks ago, hate working out in front of people or just want a more budget friendly option give one of the below apps a try. I've tried each of these and they all kept me motivated and actually worked while I was living in rural Illinois for a year without the luxury of fancy studios and painfully enthusiastic instructors.

If you have discipline then this app is beyond worth it. I thought might just be a bunch of hype but there's a reason millions of chicks post their before and after bikini pics, because this app actually works. For $20/month this is a great, affordable, no equipment, results driven option. If you have access to a gym there's also the BBG Stronger option that requires access to resistance machines which I also loved bc I used to feel like a total fish out of water in the weight room.

This is a subscription based app with access to over 3500 classes including Vinyasa, Hatha, Ashtanga, Kundalini, Iyengar, and Yin. I'm new to yoga and really love this app. It's super easy to try different instructors and styles from anywhere. I prefer sweaty workouts so yoga is an adjustment but it's only $18 per month which is great if you can have the discipline to commit to doing it on your own.

You may know Tracy Anderson as Gwyneth Paltrow's personal trainer or any other celeb for that matter, but I purchased the Metamorphosis DVD series 4 years ago (that's right, DVD's!) bc every gal in my Ralph Lauren office swore by these damn DVDs so I had to give them a try. The exercises are really fucking hard. I did not anticipate needing as many break as I did. It's A LOT of Jane Fonda movements. Youtube has a ton of videos with a variety of workouts for arms, abs, thighs and butt, etc. because DVDs aren't a thing and her studio in Brentwood costs $45 PER CLASS-- NO packages, NO discounts, NO classes with Tracy herself-- youtube is your best bet.

When I was training to run a marathon I used this app and I highly recommend it to anyone training for distance. You plug in the date of your race and it maps out a tangible weekly/daily plan to get you to your goal (be it 5k, 10k, half marathon, etc). Also includes strength workouts with detailed how-to videos that break down the movements. (Images via theverge)

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